An Antithesis of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Hatred is frustrated.
Hatred is rude, snarky, and indifferent toward others.
It does not move toward the outsider but keeps an exclusive circle.
It does not cheer on or champion others' joy, freedom, wisdom, or success.
It is not modest and needs everyone to know what knowledge, wealth, gifts, and influence it has.
Or it needs everyone to know how generous, selfless, and admirable it is.
It is not humble or meek but speaks up loudly for all to hear and see it.
Hatred does not submit to others.
Hatred does not honor others- but jumps at the bit to gossip, complain about, or speak poorly about someone else
It is self-seeking longing to get ahead and leave others behind.
It is easily angered - when not noticed, picked, or praised.
It keeps a record of wrongs- 3 strikes and you're out.
Hatred delights in evil and worldly things.
Hatred is not happy with the truth or being called up out of sin.
It manipulates to get what it wants.
Hatred does not protect the vulnerable, but steps on them for personal gain.
Hatred is always skeptical, cynical, and judging.
It is always pessimistic, having no hope.
Hatred always gives up on others, it wipes its hands clean and moves on.
Hatred saturates the soil of sin, expediting its growth.
Hatred always fails and destroys.
Hatred causes everything around it to decline— relationships, joy, freedom, and unity.